The Mom I'll Never Be

Dear girls,
You will grow up and see beautiful and elaborate baby books which your friend’s moms will have made, documenting every month of their pregnancy and every month of their lives thereafter. You, my girls, will not have those, for I will never be the mom who is organized enough, or focused enough to create them.
I will also never be the mom who remembers to take a photo in the exact place on the exact day of every month to document the first few years of your life.
I will never be very good at playing, as I will always get distracted and lose the plot.
I won’t always have the patience to do your hair perfectly or have crazy unique ideas for your themed days at school.
I won’t prepare beautifully homemade desserts for your bake sales, packaged in pretty little cellophane bags.
I won’t always be able to help you make amazing school projects.
Your clothes won’t always be put away in perfect shape with matching pants hung perfectly in your closet.
I won’t always be able to give you fun, beautifully decorated homemade birthday parties.
I will, however, be at every ballet recital, soccer game or swimming meet cheering for you.
I will always have something for you to bring to those bake sales(even if it was purchased on the way to school from the grocery store).
I will buy you the supplies to make school projects yourself, and cheer you along the whole time.
I will always pack your lunch (even if it isn’t one of those creatively packed bento boxes.)
I will do my best to make sure that you never miss out on a field trip or fun event.
I will be there to read you bedtime stories in funny voices every night, and kiss your noses before I leave.
I will kiss every boo boo, no matter how serious or not it may be.
I will get scared whenever you have a fever and lovingly cuddle you back to health, though perhaps quietly resenting the fact that I can’t move.
I will be there for your every heartbreak and every success.
I will be there to let you know that people make mistakes, and I will help you pick up the pieces from those mistakes and move on.
While I may not always be the mom you want, my girls, I promise you I will always be the mom you need.
Luckily, for everything that matters, there’s Daddy.
Love, Mom
This article was originally published on