Seniors Paint Their Parking Spots For Coolest High School Tradition, Ever

Seniors at a high school in Florida painted their parking spots, and they’re pretty much Picasso status
This is art for real. Seriously seniors, can you come do our driveways? Or do a parking spot at the office for us? How about the grocery store? High school students paint parking spots every year at West Orange High School in Florida. It’s a cool tradition that has these teens flexing their creative muscles.
Almost every single spot is decorated as captured by this very cool drone photo via TK Photography in Winter Green, Florida, aka “Rad Dad.”
This one is a clever play on words that mimics rapper Drake’s album titled, If You’re Reading This It’s Too Late.
This one gives us all the feels. It says “have courage and be kind.” Noted life lesson.
And now we’re hungry for chocolate. Great. Can’t. Stop. Salivating.
And then there’s the one that parents everywhere would approve of.
We’re totally swooning over the psychadelic vibes on this one. Peace and love people.
A nod to the movie Napolean Dynamite. The dad’s tweet is adorable. It says, “Had a great time painting my son’s school parking spot with him today. Laughs were shared and memories were made.” Okay, crying.
You can tell this painting a spot tradition is taken very seriously by the tents set up in the parking lot.
Good luck class of 2017, we think you’re totally going to rock it!
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