Mom Tries To Speak To Congressman About AHCA Vote, Gets Thrown Out Of His Office

This is every mother fighting for their child
The GOP’s plan to replace Obamacare passed the House last week and to say it has many concerned for their future would be a mild understatement. One woman decided to try to speak with her representative face to face to let him know the impact his vote could have on her family.
Her emotional plea is resonating quickly online because so many of us can relate.
“I can’t be in Patrick McHenry’s office and voice my opinion,” Anderson says in a video posted to Facebook as a security guard escorts her outside. McHenry, a Republican Congressman from North Carolina, voted in favor of the AHCA. Anderson, the mother of a sick child, went down to his office to make sure he understood what his vote meant to her family.
According to Anderson, if her daughter, Loretta, gets sick again she will pay $12,000 out of pocket per month alone for her medication. So she decided to do what any mother of a sick child would do and go down to his public office and tell him that was “bullshit” and that his decision would mean letting her child die.
It was when she was voicing her free speech in the office of an elected official that she was told if she didn’t leave, they would call the police because — get this — she was being rude. She was then threatened that if she didn’t leave immediately they would “take her baby, that baby will never be seen again, it will go to foster care and you will go to jail.”
Yes, the security officer actually said that because a concerned mother decided to speak up.
Anderson gets understandably emotional and says she is not done. Not by a long shot. She will be stopping at her senators office next because, “Making my child uninsurable for something that’s not her fault is not ok.”
The AHCA, in its current form, would increase the number of uninsured by millions. It would cut Medicaid by over $800 billion and would raise premiums and deductibles — especially for those with pre-existing conditions, making it nearly impossible for those who actually have insurance to be able to afford to use it.
“There are thousands of people like me who are watching their kids get sicker and sicker and we can’t do anything about it,” Anderson explains. Anderson’s husband, who signed up for voluntary deployment to fight for our country, to be able to afford healthcare for his family, is in jeopardy of losing it all because of this vote.
Anderson’s point is simple yet so very essential now more than ever – if you do not like what is happening, do something. Call your local representative, text Resistbot, send emails, make your voice heard. All of it adds up. Resist.
Our lives and the lives of our children depend on it.