Moms, It's Time To Stop Being Sorry For Everything

Today I’m having one of those “Rock on, Mom!” days, and I’ve decided that I’m going to stop apologizing for momming my way. Because you know what? What I’m doing seems to be working. My kids are happy (mostly) and healthy, and it’s too damn exhausting to follow all the rules.
So sorry, but I’m not sorry…
For letting my kids veg out in front of the TV so I can cook dinner.
For calling it dinner, when it’s really microwave mac and cheese. For pretending that the mac and cheese is for my kids, when really it’s all I’ve been thinking about since 3 p.m.
Sorry, not sorry for bribing my kids.
For buying them piece-of-shit toys at Target so we can leave without a meltdown. For offering fruit snacks as a way to get them to leave the playground. For believing that fruit snacks are kinda like fruit.
Sorry, not sorry for wanting alone time.
For dreaming of a few days away where no one will talk to me. For wanting to go to the movies by myself so I can watch something trashy with no judgment. For sending my kids to day care when I have a day off from work so I can wander around the mall and buy things that are not size 3T.
Sorry, not sorry for sleep training.
For letting my kids cry it out sometimes. For not allowing my kids in our bed at night, as much as I yearn to snuggle them. For those five minutes at 5 a.m. when I turn off the baby monitor and hit snooze even though my 1-year-old is up and ready to party.
Sorry, not sorry for loving my job.
For sometimes being excited when Monday comes around so I can engage the other parts of my brain that I seem to lose over the weekend. For walking out of the office at 4 p.m. and not looking back because it’s mom time and I miss my kids.
Sorry, not sorry for sometimes swearing.
For listening to questionable music when my family is in the car. For letting my kids eat food that has fallen on the floor. For allowing our dog to lick their sweet faces.
Sorry, not sorry for posting way too many pictures of my children on Facebook because they are the cutest freaking people on the planet — in my opinion.
So, moms, how about we all stop saying sorry. Because let’s face it, at the end of the day the other moms are probably too damn tired to really care what you’re doing anyway.