Mama June Lost Weight And Why The Hell Is This A Show?

Mama June lost weight. Who cares?
Can weight loss surgery and a makeover really make the entire world forget what went down in Mama June Shannon’s house? It seems it has. So let me remind you.
In 2014, when child molester and ex-boyfriend of Mama June Shannon, Mark McDaniel, was released from prison after serving 10 years for aggravated child molestation, Shannon repeatedly denied claims that the two had reconnected. But after TMZ published photos of the two together in a stairwell with her daughter Alana (aka Honey Boo Boo), and news surfaced that she had bought McDaniel a car and was seen house hunting with him, TLC decided to cancel Shannon’s gravy train, Here Comes Honey Boo Boo.
The story quickly devolved into a horror show of epic proportions.
At the same time Mama June was seen galavanting around town with her molester ex-boyfriend, we learned that McDaniel was serving time for molesting Shannon’s own child. That’s right — the child molester ex-boyfriend she was hanging out with had served time for molesting her daughter, Anna. Shannon had allegedly been dating McDaniel for months before the network got wind of it and cancelled the show.
Court documents were released, detailing the molestation of Shannon’s daughter, Anna. The documents detailed the several occasions that Mark McDaniel molested Anna. They also revealed Mama June’s three-year-old daughter Lauryn “Pumpkin” Shannon was in bed on some of the occasions when the molestation of her older sister by McDaniel took place.
The details are too horrific to print, honestly, but Radar Online has a link in case any of you have a fleeting thought about forgiving the woman who was faced with these details and chose not to believe her daughter. People ran a story in 2014, explaining how Anna went to her mother for help: “A week or so after it happened, I talked to Mama and she was upset, crying and saying, ‘I don’t believe you, I don’t believe you, why would you do this to me?’ And I was like, ‘Mama, he did that to me and I can’t do anything about it. You were never there to see it. You were always at work.’”
The documents were released naming Anna as the victim, with her permission. Shannon put all of her kids in danger by allowing them to be around this monster — and any contact with this piece of human garbage after his prison release was totally inexcusable.
Which is why she vanished from reality television.
But nothing makes people forgive someone more than a makeover, I guess.
“Fit & Flirty?”
TMZ, the source that broke most of the molestation news, is now airing videos like this:
“And so, does everyone remember Mama June’s good old ‘Honey Boo Boo’ show,” the host asks. The one that was cancelled because she was bringing a child molester around her children? Yes, TMZ. We do. “She kinda looks hot. She’s lost about 300 pounds and apparently she’s a size four.”
Shannon’s new reality show, From Not To Hot, is the number one new reality show on cable, according to some WE TV advertisements. “Rocked by Sugar Bear’s bombshell wedding news, June decides to go on a Revenge Diet to get skinny and sexy for Sugar Bear’s wedding, and she’ll even find a hot date to make Sugar Bear jealous!” a promo for the show says. Jesus. All teasers for the show have Shannon talking about how she’ll “never go back” to being overweight. Oh, yeah. That was definitely her biggest problem. Excuse me while I toss my computer out the window.
Apparently we’re all just living in The Upside Down, where a reality TV moron is president and a horrible woman who was banished from TV for endangering her kids is back with an uplifting show about how if you destroy your family with enough trauma and bad press, someone may be willing to pay for several weight loss surgeries — if you agree to tape it all.
Make it stop, world.
This article was originally published on