Ludacris Rapping 'Llama Llama' Is The Story Time Upgrade All Parents Need

We now want an entire album of Ludacris rapping kid’s books
If you’re a parent with a kid younger than 12, chances are excellent that you’ve read most of the popular Llama Llama books — multiple times. Adorable though they may be, like anything else you do 12,000 times, they can get old. Especially when your child wants to hear the same one over and over and over until you never want to say the word “llama” again.
Fear not. Ludacris is here to spice up story time with a rap version of one of the series’ most popular books. And after hearing him totally kill it, you’ll never read “Llama Llama” the same way again.
During a recent appearance on Power 106’s The Cruz Show, rapper Chris Bridges, aka Ludacris, performed a seriously catchy freestyle reading of the Anna Dewdney classic kid’s book, “Llama Llama Red Pajama”. Listen to it and try not to bop your head the entire time with a gigantic smile on your face.
The only thing that would’ve made this recording better is if he finished it out with his signature “LUDAAAAAAAA” but we’ll forgive the slip-up. Bridges is a father of four himself and you can almost see the little glint in his eye as he freestyles the verses — he totally knows what’s up with these books. Parents are all part of the same club, world-famous rappers or not.
We could seriously listen to this all day on repeat, so how about a whole album of Ludacris and other rappers reading our kids’ favorite books? Sure, we could try doing that ourselves, but it just wouldn’t be the same. Someone’s sitting on a goldmine here.
When it comes to parenting, there’s a lot of monotony. We do the same things, day in and day out, all in the name of making our kids happy — and getting them to sleep. That’s why when something fun comes along to shake up the old routine, we get pretty pumped.
Please, Luda — hear our prayers and get into the recording studio. I can’t get through one more reading of Knuffle Bunny without changing it up.
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