Kate Hudson Instagrams A #MomFail That We Can All Relate To

Kate Hudson Instagrams a mom fail that we can all relate to
You know how it is; you’re doing 14 things at once, and one of those things just happens to be cooking. How many times have you sort of, slightly, forgotten you have something in the oven and overcooked it? And by “slightly,” I mean “completely,” and by “overcooked,” I mean “rendered inedible.”
Kate Hudson took to Instagram last night to post about food. But it’s not really the usual “food porn” you tend to see on the site. It’s the realest recipe, ever.
And no, it’s not brownies.
“I don’t usually post food stuff but I was inspired by my mom friends posting all their yummy healthy homemade recipes,” Hudson writes. “So here it is….you’re welcome.”
She then proceeds to share a “recipe” all moms can relate to — courtesy of her sister-in-law, Erinn Hudson. She carefully outlines instructions that should be meticulously followed, obviously.
“First take the pizza out of the box.
Set the oven to 375. Pour a glass of wine. Place the pizza in the oven. DO NOT set timer. Sip your wine. Recommended cooking time is 12 to 14 minutes. I say wait a good hour to get this perfect deep dark brown color. Or wait until you’re hungry kids come and ask when the pizza will be ready…”
And the most important step… “Drink more wine.”
That is A PIZZA. Ha. We feel better now.
Yes, this is a #momfail — and we’ve all been there. Who among us hasn’t burned cookies to a crisp, made rock-hard stones out of chicken nuggets, or forgotten about boiling water? Have you ever seen what happens to boiling eggs when they are forgotten and the water disappears? It’s unholy. It will scar you forever.
One commenter voiced our reactions to this post perfectly:
“Oh shit. At least we aren’t alone.”