School Bus Jumps A Curb, Principal Sacrifices Her Life Saving Students

An Indiana principal sacrificed her life to save students from being hit by a school bus.
People living in the Lawrence Township school district in Indiana, are reeling from an unthinkable tragedy this week after an incredible school principal lost her life saving students from an oncoming bus.
Principal Susan Jordan was helping to load kids on their buses at the end of the day on Tuesday, when one of the buses in the pick-up line suddenly lurched forward and jumped the curb. Jordan managed to push four kids out of the way before she was fatally struck. Two 10-year-olds were hospitalized with minor injuries, but are expected to make a full recovery. Tragically, Principal Jordan was pronounced dead at the scene.
According to Fox59, the bus driver told firefighters she’s unsure of what made the bus move forward. Per protocol, the driver was subjected to a blood draw to check for the presence of drugs and alcohol, but she’s not believed to have been under the influence of anything, and authorities are treating the event as a tragic freak accident. Classes were cancelled on Wednesday so students and their families could mourn, and the Lawrence Township community is struggling to cope with Jordan’s loss. Said a firefighter at the scene, “They just loved her. Up to the minute she was alive, she was helping the kids.”
Susan Jordan was a beloved figure at Amy Beverland Elementary where she worked, and was described by District Superintendent Dr. Shawn Smith as a “legend in education.” One local parent, Adam Baker, even told Fox59 he moved his family to the area specifically because of the great things he’d heard about Principal Jordan. In a statement released by the school board, officials wrote, “Susan was an amazing educator. She had a remarkable way of making everyone she came in contact with feel valued and important. She had a passion for children that is unmatched.”
Apparently, students felt the same way. Since her death, a video students and staff made for Jordan eight months ago has resurfaced, and it beautifully illustrates what an important person she was in her community. In it, both students and teachers talk about the reasons they admire Principal Jordan, and then they go class by class and shout words of thanks. One adult teacher even says, “Principal Jordan is everything I want to be when I grow up. She is kind. She’s caring. She’s compassionate. She’s loving. She’s sincere, and she’s a professional. She makes all of us want to be even better.”
Not every community is lucky enough to have an educator like Principal Jordan who nurtures and inspires, who shows incredible passion for what they do, and who manages to leave a lasting impact on every life she touches. Jordan’s heroic final act was a testament to how much she loved her students and how dedicated she was to her role. Her death is absolutely heartbreaking, and there’s no doubt the many students and adults she touched during her two decades as a school principal will carry on her legacy for years to come.
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