A Damn Genius Figured Out How To Make Wine In An Instant Pot

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Heroes come in many forms; some rescue kittens from burning buildings, others help old ladies across busy streets. And then there’s a guy who figured how to make wine in an Instant Pot. He may not win the Nobel Prize but dammit, he should be a contender.
Food blogger David Murphy shared how to make wine in an Instant Pot on his website. “We’ve all seen a meme or two running around Facebook wishing that ‘One of those Pinterest chicks could throw grapes in a crock pot and make wine,'” Murphy wrote. “Well, how about one of those Pinterest guys? (That would be me lol). I love Pinterest. That is all.”
We love you more, David.
According to Murphy, in addition to the Instant Pot you’ll need some grape juice, wine yeast, sugar, a funnel, and some clear packing tape, which sounds surprisingly similar to a date I had in college once. Then, Murphy gives a whole slew of instructions involving said grape juice and yeast, setting your Instant Pot to the yogurt making setting, not closing the vent on your lid, yada yada I mostly read the parts in bold and then, voila, you’ve got yourself some red wine.
Image via David Murphy
OK, it takes a little more than that but luckily Murphy breaks it all down for us.
“Now you need to have some patience,” Murphy warns. “You’re going to run the time for a total of 48 hours!!” I sort of bought my Instant Pot because I don’t have any patience when it comes to cooking, or prepping, or figuring out what I’m making for dinner until 15 minutes before we are supposed to eat, but hey, there may be an exception for winemaking.
Murphy shows us what the wine will look like halfway through its fermentation process so we know what we’re dealing with. “If you take a taste of it, it’ll be very fizzy and have a carbonated taste,” he warns. “Of course, in the nature of science, I had to take a sip lol. It was a little gross. Not horrible, but it’s yeasty tasting with a bit of alcohol, and meh.”
Image via David Murphy
So back into the Instant Pot it goes for another 24 hours, where there is more venting and some carbon dioxide and bottling and then comes the waiting. “Place the bottle in an area that doesn’t have a ton of light. I placed mine behind my Instant Pot underneath my cabinets. It’s dark, and a great room temperature for the wine magic to happen,” Murphy said.
Murphy told Scary Mommy he’s never tried making anything like this before in his Instant Pot but said you can use any type of juice depending on what flavors you enjoy “as long as it doesn’t have preservatives in it.”
Image via David Murphy
Eventually, somewhere between eight days and a month, your wine will be ready to drink. Murphy admits he didn’t really think this was going to work. “I was expecting a failure, but I was patient and played that annoying waiting game. Honestly, it was so much better than some of those cheap bottles of wine that I’ve bought. Dare I say, even better than the 2 buck Chuck from Trader Joe’s!”
Image via David Murphy
Given some of the recent negative press Instant Pot has received with their recall, this just may be the silver lining we have all been waiting for. What’s more, Murphy told us “It’ll be great for the summer time for when people want to make wine spritzers, batches of sangria, or just enjoy by itself (which is what I opted to do).” This guy is a national treasure.