This Dad Will Turn The Hilarious Things Your Kid Says Into Incredible Art

Some of the most hilarious gems come from the mouths of babes. One really creative and talented father decided to take some of the weird things his three-year-old says and turn the sayings into incredible art.
Martin Bruckner originally started the project as a Mother’s Day gift, but turned it into a now popular Tumblr account called “Spaghetti Toes.” The name comes from overhearing his wife say to his daughter, “Please don’t put spaghetti between your toes” at the dinner table. These are the kinds of conversations all parents can relate to. I recently told my two-year-old that the “buttons on the remote aren’t candy!”
Bruckner has moved from documenting what his own daughter says, to making custom creations for other parents who send in their funny kid quotes to his Etsy store. You’re going to want some of these…
Why yes. I am.
Of course there was. Makes perfect sense.
Well, this would be perfect for Father’s Day.
You know you want this for your bathroom.
Ouch. Honesty.
If you’re like me, when your kid says something cute and funny you laugh, tell the story to your mom, and forget about it. This is such a great way to commemorate the toddler years and beyond — before your kid learns how to filter his speech.
Bruckner sells a selection of prints via his Etsy store, where you can also request a custom order. Father’s Day is right around the corner!
Related post: Mom Turns Two-Year-Old’s Sketches Into Works Of Art
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