Dad Starts Nonprofit To Create Epic Halloween Costumes For Kids In Wheelchairs

Magic Wheelchair makes the coolest costumes for kids in wheelchairs
A determined dad started an incredible non-profit dedicated to creating “epic” costumes for kids like his son, wheelchair-bound due to muscular dystrophy. What started as a costume for Keaton, now 10, turned into Magic Wheelchair, a network of volunteers dedicated to creating astounding costumes for kids who spend most of their days in a wheelchair.
Magic Wheelchair started in 2008, when Ryan Weimer asked his son what he wanted to be for Halloween. Keaton replied that he wanted to be a pirate. At first, Weimer was thinking of a regular costume but a brainstorm led to something a bit more exciting. From the Magic Wheelchair’s website, he says “Keaton has this wheelchair he cruises around in, and every pirate needs a ship, so let’s just build one around his chair!” Armed with his fun idea, he drew plans and constructed a pirate ship based off his son’s wheelchair. From there, an organization was born.
Now that the non-profit has grown thanks to a successful Kickstarter campaign, there are volunteers around the country who plan and build costumes for children who are accepted after submitting a request for a costume. According to Weimer, these costumes can range anywhere from $2000-4000 due to material costs so they can only do as many as funds and available volunteers allow. Check out some of their amazing work:
Image via Pinterest
“Being in a wheelchair can be tough, so we want to help kids make something truly epic,” says Weimer.
These costumes certainly qualify. Each costume can take up to several weeks to create and the organization relies entirely on volunteers for all labor. The costumes all turn the chair into part of the creation rather than an obstacle to work around. It really is impressive what they’re able to do and the end result is priceless — a happy kid, excited to show off their unique costume.
For a parent, there’s nothing better than seeing your kids happy and excited. This dad is bringing laughter and happiness while removing the burden of trying to find a costume that works with a wheelchair. What an amazing concept.
Hopefully, the funds continue to roll in as this non-profit grows and more kids can experience this joy every Halloween. If you’re interested in donating, you can visit the Magic Wheelchair website.
This article was originally published on