This Father-Son Selfie Is Going Viral For The Sweetest Reason

One amazing dad shows son with feeding tube he will never be alone
Parents would do just about anything for our children to know we are there for them. One dedicated dad is gaining worldwide attention after posting a photo of himself posing next to his three-year-old son, Chace, sporting matching feeding tubes. Chace was born with a congenital heart defect and requires the tube to eat. So dad Robert Selby decided to glue one of his own for the photo.
“My Mr. @stealyourheart #teamchace is sucking in his stomach, trying to show off his abs like his daddy but all you see are his little ribs,” Selby wrote in a May 22 Instagram post. “I just cut and glued one of his G-tube on me to show support for him and bring awareness.”
Selby said he does this every year to show support for his son and to make sure he always knows he is not alone. Chace was born with a congenital heart defect (CHD) called Tetralogy of Fallot and requires a feeding tube to help with him continue to gain weight. Selby gives regular updates on his son on their YouTube channel to raise awareness for those impacted by CHD.
According to The Children’s Heart Foundation, nearly one of every 100 babies (approximately 40,000 babies) is born with a congenital heart defect in the United States alone. Approximately 25 percent of children born with a congenital heart defect will need heart surgery or other interventions to survive. People born with CHD’s can face life-long health problems including “issues with growth and eating, developmental delays, difficulty with exercise, heart rhythm problems, heart failure, sudden cardiac arrest or stroke.”
Chace’s story is touching people from all over who are able to see firsthand what an incredible bond the two share:
“Love this! I have a g tube baby as well! Positivity is the way to go with these babies! Inspiration right there.”
“I’ve got a Tube in my tummy just like that one and tell him to keep his head up and never let that keep him down because he’s unique and that makes him cool.”
“God bless you both! I work with two surgeons in a Peds cardio clinic and parents like you deserve awards every single day. Your kids are fighters and parents are super human.”
”This is the awesome! Go Chace & Papa!”
“The real definition of a REALfather my brotha! I don’t know anything about you or your Little King , but just viewing your page makes me want to love my son harder every second I’m in his presence.”
“As long as I’m breathing, I’ll always support my son and he’ll never be in a fight alone.”
This article was originally published on