Being A Mom Is Never Not A Balancing Act. Get Your Tissues Ready And Watch This Video.

There is no such thing as work-life balance. Once you become a mother, there’s no separation between your life and motherhood. Boppy gets it. Once you’re a mom, you’re always a mom.
Every day is take-your-kid-to-work day, whether you are a stay-at-home mom or you work in an office.
We’re all dancing through motherhood, trying to make it all work.
We get up and going before the sun.
We’re always trying our best with whatever tools we have.
Because staying home with your baby is hard work too.
And there’s no such thing as work-life balance. It’s all just life. Beautiful, blended life.
But it’s all worth it, because when that baby looks at you, it’s pure love.
Watch the full video here, and don’t forget your tissues.
The Boppy Company is the pioneering leader in creating comfortable and supportive products for parents and babies. It all started with the iconic, beloved and award-winning Boppy® Feeding & Infant Support Pillow, a must-have staple for all nurseries. Boppy’s brand essences – beloved, bonding, comfort, fashion, safe, simple and versatile — remain at the heart of the business and drive product innovation. Nearly three decades later, Boppy has expanded its product line to include carriers, teething solutions, pregnancy pillows, breastfeeding accessories, baby loungers, travel products, baby seats and more. Boppy understands that being a mom means being always on, which is celebrated in their new #NeverNotAMom campaign video to launch their newest product innovation, the Boppy™ ComfyFit™ Baby Carrier. The Boppy™ ComfyFit™ Baby Carrier was inspired by yoga apparel, so the lightweight carrier moves with you and your baby, no matter what. The new carrier enables confidence in babywearing with a simple and supportive structure that is easy to use and has an intuitive and secure design, allowing parents the freedom to bond with their baby without barriers. The ergonomic seat also features two carrying positions and is designed with comfort for both parent and baby in mind. With their latest product launch, Boppy celebrates that being a mom means bringing life wherever you go and taking your baby with you for whatever you’re doing. Because when you’re a mom, you’re #NeverNotAMom.
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