
5-Year-Old's Shoe Tying Tutorial Goes Insanely Viral Because It Works

by Julie Scagell
Originally Published: 

5-year-old makes shoe tying trick easy to learn and adorable

Do you ever see something on TV or online and think, “Why didn’t I think of that?” For those of us who have unsuccessfully tried to get our little ones to tie their own shoes (clears throat), meet Colton. He is five and has a loose tooth and your ovaries may explode after watching this.

In a video submitted to the Love What Matters Facebook page by Ashley Lillard, Colton shows all of us old dogs a new trick, while also giving a play-by-play of what’s happening in his life. As his mom patiently films her shoe tying ninja in their kitchen, Colton informs us he “has a new way to tie shoes.”

Sure, we’ve all seen the helpful tips and tricks online and in parenting books. Hell, if you Google “shoe tying” 736,000 results pop up. There are even adorable little songs you can sing to your children while trying to teach them involving bunny ears jumping into holes. But Colton is a man on a mission and he gets the job done in under a minute. Sorry fluffy bunny, but you’ve been replaced.

While filming, his mom deals with the chaos of everyday life including a very friendly dog that is eager to learn about Colton’s shoe tying breakthrough. Once she gets the dog out of the way, you hear another noise, which little Colton explains is just “my dad comin’ in.” Colton’s mom chimes in, “Hopefully he will be quiet for our video,” a thinly-veiled warning sign familiar to fathers everywhere that you best keep your mouth shut, something important is going down.

As Colton shows us how this new trick works, his mom continues to reassure him from afar, never reaching in to help. She gives him time to learn for himself, continuously offers encouragement throughout the video, and never tries to hurry him along. Some of us, especially those with multiple kids who seem to always be in a constant state of motion, could learn a little something from her patience (clears throat again). The video has already been viewed over 800,000 times since yesterday so we’re thinking we are not alone in loving it.

Once the successful shoe tying is complete, Colton, beaming with pride, shares with us that “I learned that from my friend, River.” Some kids would have tried to take all the glory after receiving their parents’ adulation, but little Colton wants to make sure to give credit where credit is due. Colton’s mom thanks him for sharing his impressive trick to which he sweetly replies, “You’re welcome.”

Seriously, are anyone else’s ovaries in need of medical attention?

This article was originally published on